What Is Tech Detox?

My name is Isaiah Morgan and I am 17 years old. I live in New Albany, Ohio and attend New Albany High School. At my High School, seniors must complete a 80+ hour project/study on anything that may interest them. For my project I am creating a documentary about the effects that current technology/social media have on teens/young adults. I look around school and see kids constantly checking their phones for new text messages and refreshing their twitter feeds. I believe social media is fine to an extent, but when people are using their devices/social media for more time than they are at school, strikes a major red flag to me. In my documentary I will isolate myself from my iPhone, Xbox, computer, television for 5 days. The only technologies that I will be able to use include a house telephone (for emergencies), a car, and cameras to document my journey. I will use a GoPro Hero 3+ to record what I am doing during the day, to prove to you guys that I am not cheating myself.  At the end of this tech-detox period, I will compile all the clips, interview professors, and attend a brain study camp at Ohio State University. I will use Adobe Premiere Pro to create and edit my documentary. I hope to learn a lot about myself at the end of my project. On this blog, I will keep any viewers updated on the progress of my project. I will share articles, videos, news stories, test footage, and anything else related to my project here.

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What would your life be like without technology?