Tag Archives: Documentary

First Draft of Documentary

I came to the conclusion that I would share the first draft of my documentary on this blog. I’d like to get as much feedback as possible to make this video the best it can be. I would appreciate it so much if you could take 15 minutes out of your time to watch my video and leave any comments, either on this blog post or on the YouTube video itself. I look forward to having the final project completed sometime in the next two months.

I have NOT yet cited all of the background footage or music that I have used in this video. It is in the works and all will be cited in the final version. I do not own all of the content in this video. Enjoy!

Documentary Update

I am finally finishing up the first fifteen minute draft of my documentary. All I have left to do is record more voiceovers, finish the credits, and fix a few formatting issues. I plan on presenting this draft to my advisor, Mrs. Piper, and getting feedback as soon as possible. I also plan on revising this draft as soon as I receive advice from Mrs. Piper. After these final revisions, I plan on releasing a public version of my documentary. This will probably be out in about two or three months. I look forward to finalizing my video and sharing it with you all. I can’t wait to hear feedback from my viewers.

Project Update

I haven’t been updating as much as I have planned, but I would like to change that for the upcoming month. College applications, AP classes, and other senior factors have taken up a majority of my time these past few months. I’ve been working with my On-Site Adviser, Mrs. Piper, and she recently gave me some helpful tips for my storyboard that I am in the process of finalizing. Before fall ends, I’d like to collect more background footage and try to complete my interviews so I can have a bulk of video to select from for my documentary. I’ve also been following a weekly schedule of tasks that I need to complete in order to stay on top of my project. So far I have completed 3 interviews and would like to get at least 2 more. I’d also like to interview students as well to get a different perspective on my topic. Recently, my hard drive became corrupted and some of my footage was deleted. Luckily we were able to retrieve it back and store it on a backup. I look forward to posting more frequently in the next coming weeks. Stay tuned for mini clips or animations that I plan to use in my project.

Interview Graphics

I recently conducted two interview for my documentary and I need some feedback. So far I have made two different interview text graphics and I haven’t decided which one I like best. Should I go with simple or with a color scheme? The microphone I bought for the interviews worked extremely well and I think these interviews turned out excellent.

Trailer Complete!

Earlier this week, I finished my trailer for my documentary. I published it on YouTube and I look forward to begin editing my whole documentary very soon. In the trailer you will get a sense of some of the topics that I will hit on in the documentary as well as some of the GoPro footage I caught. Sorry for the poor quality High Definition fans. For some reason when I rendered the trailer the quality was changed. I will not make the same mistake when rendering my final project. Anyways leave a comment and give me some feedback. Also, feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues.

Ohio State Cognitive/Humanities Camp Day 1


Today, I was welcomed to Ohio State Brain Cognitive and Humanities Camp. We began with a 45 minute intro/lecture by the head of the camp Dr. Frederick Aldama. He gave a basic overview of the camp and what we would learn/benefit by the end of the week. After the introduction we took a tour of Ohio State’s Cartoon Library. It is the biggest Cartoon Library in the world containing millions of different comic books, graphic novels, movie template drawings, and newspaper comic clippings. It was very interesting to see all of the original copies of art being held in a top security part of the facility. I’d love to go back and look at the art another day soon.

After that we broke off into smaller groups and talked about how the short story, The Metamorphosis, (and many other articles) related to our lives. It was awesome to learn how the stories and our lives were intertwined.

Done with Detox…What Next? (Overview of my week)

On Tuesday, July 1, I woke up around 9:30 looking for my phone. I started to wonder if I had lost it and then I remembered that it was in my parents’ drawer due to my project.  After I had showered and dressed, I moved on to work on summer math homework/summer reading homework. I felt way more focused because I wasn’t checking for alerts on social media or watching television. After working on those assignments up until about noon, I started working on a 350 piece puzzle that I had bought the other day. At first, I thought it would be very boring, but I actually ended up enjoying working on it throughout the day.  Towards the evening a group of friends and I went to my school’s field to play soccer. While there, I kept thinking I had lost my phone as I repeatedly patted my shorts pocket.  Before going to bed I read and actually finished the puzzle that night. It felt really accomplishing that I had finished this beautiful scene and I was excited to start a new one soon.


On Wednesday, my friend Nick and I decided to build our own bow and arrow out of PVC pipe. We went to Home Depot to get the necessary supplies, which was pretty cheap and went back to his house to start construction.  In the car I told him I couldn’t listen to music and this is when I realized that my project was affecting others. This wasn’t a bad thing though. We were on the last step of attaching the rope to the other end of the bow, but it would not stay put no matter how much tape we used. Even though we didn’t fix it, we were very proud of ourselves because we had spent a good 2 hours trying to make it, even after failing on the first attempt. Later that night I went home and played some board games (Life and Scrabble) with my family. I couldn’t remember the last time we had sat down and played a board game. It was actually a lot of fun being together and having that bonding time. I plan on getting my family to do this more often. No technology was required.


On Thursday, I spent most of my day at the turf playing more soccer since I was missing the world cup. I was tempted to watch the match ups for the day, but I figured that I could just hear from a friend or learn about it later. After I came back home and did more summer assignments, I began my new puzzle. There were 500 pieces and I knew it would take me more time. I was ready for the challenge and I was eager to get started. This felt like the shortest day, probably because I was pretty tired after spending more than half of my day playing outside.


On the 4th of July,  my cousins came and visited for the afternoon. It was a handful because I had to watch them and they are all under the age of 10. It was a long, hot day and I wanted to just relax and watch TV on the couch for a few hours. When they had first gotten to my house, I noticed right away that they were on their tablets playing games and messing with their different apps. They were so consumed that I had to convince them to go outside and have some real fun. We played some basketball and I taught them some other games. I also let them work on a smaller puzzle which they found pretty interesting. I realized if I had kids in the future, I would not want them to be in love with electronic technology like my cousins. That night the fireworks seemed to go on a lot longer than in previous years as I watched them from my neighborhood. It was fun to watch without the annoying text ringtone from someone’s phone.


July 5 was my last day of my detox and I think I could go an extra few more days. I went to a family reunion about 30 minutes away from my house. I brought Nick again because he didn’t have anything to do that day. I got to see all of my family that I haven’t seen in awhile and I had a pretty fun time. I noticed that many of my cousins were on their phones for most of the time and not interacting much. This is where I realized what technology has the potential to do. It was as if they were slaves to their phones, unable to put them down whenever they wanted, if they wanted. After the reunion, I went back to Nick’s house and we fished for the rest of the afternoon. I hadn’t been fishing for a long time and it was very relaxing. I then went back home and finished the other puzzle with some help. Again, when it was finished I felt that over-joyous feeling of accomplishment again.


Having no access to technology was a very different experience that I think everyone who is involved on social network or any current technology device. My project had an effect on everyone that was around me and I think my relationships improved due to this detox. I found myself to be more productive and I even slept better. Again it was a great experience and I think I’m going to try and incorporate one or two days into my weeks where I don’t use any technology. When it was over I felt like my technology usage was going to be shortened. I was right. I no longer checked my phone every hour for twitter updates or snapchats. Some of my friends said that the project sounded really easy, but when I encourage any of them to try it they somehow manage to find an excuse for not doing it. Before this project, I wouldn’t call myself addicted to social networking and technology, but if I was starting to get tempted to watch TV, it makes me wonder how would a teen who uses more technology than me act during a detox.  I asked my sister to go at least a day without her phone and she gave me a look as if I were joking.

I am going to make a trailer for my video once I get a few more clips and I will probably release it sometime in the next 2 or 3 months. Stay tuned if you want to see the trailer and for updates on my progress on the documentary.

GoPro QuickClip

I just ordered a GoPro Quick-Clip that will attach to the back of any hat. I have a head mount, but I ordered the quick-clip to see which mounting option is better. Once I receive it, I will upload some test footage to show the difference between the head strap and the quick-clip. During  my documentary, I might also try using my chest mount that I got with my GoPro. I can’t wait to start my project filming.