First Draft of Documentary

I came to the conclusion that I would share the first draft of my documentary on this blog. I’d like to get as much feedback as possible to make this video the best it can be. I would appreciate it so much if you could take 15 minutes out of your time to watch my video and leave any comments, either on this blog post or on the YouTube video itself. I look forward to having the final project completed sometime in the next two months.

I have NOT yet cited all of the background footage or music that I have used in this video. It is in the works and all will be cited in the final version. I do not own all of the content in this video. Enjoy!

Walking Blindly

While looking for some final background footage for the last part of my video, I stumbled upon a compilation of multiple people walking into things while texting. They are so distracted by their phones, that they do not even realize where they are walking. I don’t think I have ever been this distracted by something on my phone, but I do know that the main focus is not on walking here. At my school, I’ve definitely seen other students in the hallways with their heads down, staring at their phones, refusing to greet peers passing by. Is the content on our phones really more important than socializing with others or even seeing where we are walking? No way! This is also a very dangerous habit to get into. Imagine walking through a crowded downtown while texting on your phone. You could accidentally walk into the street and get hit by a car or walk into other people or objects. This shows that most of us can’t even wait to sit down or have free time to check our phones/social media. The technology has more control over the user which is not how the relationship is supposed to be.

Defining Our Relationship

A story about a company that conducted a study around app launches and other phone statistics, helps us to realize how much time we are actually spending on our phones. In one of the studies by the company, Flurry, it found that people ages 35-54 were more likely to launch more apps than people ages 13-17. This was very surprising to me because I expected the results to be flipped around. I’d love to participate in one of these studies and see my results. I think helping to better define my relationship with technology would help me to distance myself from the mindless scrolling through tweets and Instagram posts. Anyway if you have time, check this awesome article out!

Documentary Update

I am finally finishing up the first fifteen minute draft of my documentary. All I have left to do is record more voiceovers, finish the credits, and fix a few formatting issues. I plan on presenting this draft to my advisor, Mrs. Piper, and getting feedback as soon as possible. I also plan on revising this draft as soon as I receive advice from Mrs. Piper. After these final revisions, I plan on releasing a public version of my documentary. This will probably be out in about two or three months. I look forward to finalizing my video and sharing it with you all. I can’t wait to hear feedback from my viewers.

My Resolution For 2015

Since New Years Day nears in the next few hours, I figured that I would share one of my resolutions for next year. I want to place tougher restrictions on my leisure use of technology. I want to try and eliminate mindless usage of social media and games. A few weeks ago, I also had an idea to help me make sure I stick to my plan. I looked for apps on my iPhone that would count and limit the amount of time used my personal apps. I could not find many apps that matched this description, so I look forward to looking how to do this in 2015. After the certain amount of usage time that I set for an app, I want it to be inaccessible for at least an hour after the time limit is passed. I want thank all of my supporters and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.