Signs One Might Be Addicted to Social Media

I recently read a great article describing some of the signs one might be addicted to social media. Below is a link to the article and the collection of signs.

I am a witness to the floods of notifications consisting of holiday meals and hourly vacation status updates. I used to constantly refresh Twitter and Instagram before I isolated myself from these sites in the summer. I noticed that many of the tweets were very similar anyways and it was pointless for me to see every tweet because I would most likely forget it in a couple of hours. One of the main solutions to stopping this addiction is to limit your access to social media. That’s exactly what I did in the summer as part of my project and it worked. Today, I usually only check social media around 11:00 a.m. and before I go to bed for about 10 minutes. After these 10 minutes, I usually come to the conclusion that I am wasting time and need to go on to do something else. I realized that I didn’t need social media in order to be happy and stay connected with people. Stronger bonds and relationships are formed through in-person interactions and my detox helped teach me this.

Project Status Update

As of today, I am a little over a third of the way done with my documentary. Over the past few months I have been busy with college applications, AP classes, and exams. There are a couple of final things that I want to film that include less in-depth interviews with my peers and more filler footage. I am also watching other student made documentaries to help improve my own. It is very helpful for me to go through and analyze the different styles of these videos. In addition to these viewings, some of my peers are presenting their projects after winter break. I look forward to watching some of their presentations. Meeting with my adviser, Mrs. Piper, has also helped me to improve my storyboard and make my documentary more concise.