Can’t Wait to Start My Detox

It’s only 5 days away and I am really anxious about starting it on the 1st of July. No phone, computer, television, or any other device will be available to me. I’m ready to overcome these urges to do something else with myself that will most likely be more productive. I won’t be able to type on here to share my experience, but I will have a journal where I will display how each day is going. This is not my last post yet before I go on this journey. That will come sometime soon.

GoPro QuickClip

I just ordered a GoPro Quick-Clip that will attach to the back of any hat. I have a head mount, but I ordered the quick-clip to see which mounting option is better. Once I receive it, I will upload some test footage to show the difference between the head strap and the quick-clip. During  my documentary, I might also try using my chest mount that I got with my GoPro. I can’t wait to start my project filming.

GoPro Hero 3+


I recently got my GoPro Hero 3+ in April and can’t wait to use it for my documentary. I got some test footage when I went to play soccer with my friends. I mounted the camera on my friend, Nick, and let him try it out. So far I love the camera because of its versatility. There are countless modes and you can basically mount the camera anywhere. I plan on ordering a “quick-clip” that will allow the camera to be attached to a hat. Being able to record at a high frame rate per second allowed the video to look very smooth when slowed down. Here’s a link to the video below:

#hooked: Chapters 11 and 12

In these final chapters of #hooked, Jantz described certain ways to establish a family technology detox. He suggested starting out with small decreases in usage time of whatever technology that had the most interaction. As time progresses, keep decreasing that time, and find something else productive to do to fill that void. Over time it will become easier and that addiction might even fade away. Jantz uses an allusion to the bible in Chapter 12 and this quote really stuck in my brain.

“We are such sheep. When frightened, we react as a herd, without regard for where we’re headed. Left alone, we wander off and get lost.”

This book has really inspired me to check out how much technology I use in my daily life. I wouldn’t call myself addicted, but I definitely think I can cut back on a lot and become more productive. Kudos to you Dr. Gregory L Jantz.

#hooked Chapters 2-10 Summary

Since the last entry, I have read chapters 2-10 in Gregory Jantz’s #hooked. Some key things he brought out throughout these chapters was the idea of a virtual reality, people who want to use technology to multitask and get as much work done as possible in the shortest amount of time, the “dangers” of being disconnected from the internet for periods of time, and the transfers of power between parents and children as technology further advances. He uses examples for all of these points and they are all pretty much relatable in some type of way.  These are a few of the quotes that really stuck out to me while reading through these chapters:

“If the amount of time you’ve spent learning your kids’ devices is less than the time it took to buy it, wrap it, and give it, you might want to consider becoming more familiar with it yourself.”

“This urge to stay connected is not just experienced by teenagers and young adults; it affects us all.”

“Important things can be glaciers; they are inexorable, ever moving but at a slower pace. Important things can build up immense momentum, but they do so over time.”

“As a society, our perception of time and the good, of what is instant and what is slow, has changed.”

“Like teenagers who tend to take their parents for granted, when you live online you can begin to take your off-line relationships for granted.”

“Virtual reality is alluring because it avoids the nuts and bolts of true reality.”

All of the above quotes are all true and Jantz’s explanation of the ideas centered around them have truly made me recognize the face of our society technology-wise. I can’t wait to finish the book and see about “finding the off switch” and “The Ultimate Filter”.

#hooked: Chapter 1: A Locked Front Door and a Wide Open Web

In this chapter, Gregory L. Jantz does a great job of explaining that as technology becomes more and more advanced, humans are beginning to spend more and more time indoors on those gadgets. I completely agree. We are beginning to see a positive correlation to the amount of overweight people compared to new technology coming out. These people are not getting the proper physical activity in order to maintain a healthy weight. Jantz also explains that

“every connection is a two way conversation, whether you mean it to be or not.”

This statement is saying that as long as you are connected to the internet and/or some other person on the internet your information is no longer private. I have always been careful to read before I post because I know that it will be out there forever. On the other hand some of my peers struggle with understanding that. Social media sites and other popular websites often track user data and they can see what we are doing on these sites.

Below is a link to an article about Facebook Tracking Many of It’s Users:
